Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cow comes to School for part of the Day

Maybe you are thinking that in this little article that we had a Calf Club Day or an Agricultural Day, but you would be mistaken.

Today at lunchtime we had a cow come running through our playground and then it raced out the school gate and onto the road.  Two brave teachers went out onto the road to try to get it to go into the paddock next to the school but the cow just ran across the road again. Luckily as the cow went up the road some of the parents that live close to the school zoomed out and helped steer it towards another paddock.
We wanted to get it off the road just incase there was an accident.  You can see us cheering everyone when they got the cow into the paddock.

It was such a weird thing to happen that some of the children wanted to share a few cow knock knock jokes with you....

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Cow who?
No, cow don't go who, they go moo!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Annoying cow..
Annoying cow who?


  1. Dear Room 7,
    We loved your funny story. It would be strange for us to have a cow at our school because we live close to the city.

    We have a Knock Knock joke for you.

    Knock, knock
    Who's there?
    Cow says
    Cow says who
    Cow doesn't say who
    Cow says moo!

    We hope you like our joke.

    How did the cow actually escape?

    From all of us in 2T

  2. We don't know how it escaped, but we think it must have broken out of the paddock down the road. Our school is on the edge of Otorohanga and so we have three farms close to us.

    What is it like living in a city? the closest city to us is Hamilton which is about an hour away?

  3. My name is Kymba and I am in Year 4. I wanted to tell you a joke that I think is very funny. I have read many books about fairies.

    What do you call a fairy that has not had a bath?


  4. Hi I have heard about the jokes the a abit funny.
    from Isabella in 2t :)
